
Posts Tagged ‘milk

Yoplait Smoothie

Ingredients: Yoplait frozen smoothie mix (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, yogurt chunks), skim milk

Taste: I’m used to making my own really simple smoothies (banana and/or strawberries, milk, ice, vanilla extract), so this was a bit of a change for me.  The Yoplait mix is kind of expensive but really convenient, as you just need to add 1 cup of milk to the mix.  It keeps in the freezer for a really long time.  I enjoyed the berry mix for a nice change, but the yogurt flavor threw me off.  I’m not a huge fan of yogurt so I think I prefer my simple recipe instead.

Texture: Because of the frozen ingredients, this smoothie was thick.  I should have used a straw, but I didn’t have one!

Portion: The mix makes 2 glass-fulls, or one really big one for me.

Overall Rating: 6/10