
Posts Tagged ‘honey mustard

Recipe: Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken

Ingredients: Chicken, oil, vinegar, honey, dijon mustard, spicy brown mustard, honey wheat pretzels, (drizzle sauce: mayo, dijon mustard, honey)

Taste: I’m a sucker for honey mustard.  I modified this recipe to use dijon mustard instead of yellow and course grained mustards.  I’m not sure how it would have tasted with the original ingredients but this was very tasty!  The drizzle sauce added lots of extra flavor.  My choice to use the honey wheat pretzels also probably contributed.

Texture: The chicken itself was very juicy, not dry.  The pretzel sticks were really hard to crush and so they ended up in large pieces that had trouble sticking to the chicken.  Some of the breading got a little soggy (especially with the extra drizzle sauce I used), but some of the more baked pieces stayed crunchy.  Overall, it was a little heavy and made me need to drink lots of water.  In the future I’d use less dipping sauce, crush the pretzels more, and maybe using the original recipe mustards would have solved some of this problem.

Overall Rating: 7/10

Arby’s Chicken Bacon & Swiss Sandwich

Ingredients: Chicken patty, swiss cheese, bacon, honey mustard on a sesame seed bun

Taste: Well  I went to Arby’s expecting to get a chicken salad wrap which I love so much, and they apparently no longer make those, so I came away with this.  Considering that I didn’t originally want this, the flavor was nothing special, and believe me I love honey mustard.  The swiss and bacon didn’t seem to add much flavor either.

Texture: Not much to say, pretty standard for a chicken sandwich.

Portion: Same thing, standard for this type of sandwich.

Overall Rating: 6/10 (based on taste)