
Posts Tagged ‘cookie

Peppermint Speckled Cupcakes

Double Decker Tacos

Chicken Parm and Spaghetti

Veggie Pizza

Reindeer Sugar Cookies

Buffalo Chicken Burrito

Lean Pocket: Chicken Bacon Dijon

Recipe:  Chewy Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ingredients: flour, cake flour, baking powder, baking soda, butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, chocolate chips

Taste: These cookies tasted like the standard chocolate chip recipe.  You can definitely taste the vanilla and brown sugar- so they are a little sweet.  I used dark chocolate morsels (larger than chips) so they were also very dark chocolatey.  There are 1.5 cups of butter in here (3 sticks!) so they are definitely tasty.

Texture: Like the name, they were soft and chewy.  Seems like they will stay that way instead of getting hard.  They are huge, partly because of the size that I made them, but they are also make with cake flour so they’re a little puffier than regular homemade cookies.

All in all, this seemed like a simple recipe, but it took a lot of work.  From creaming the butter by hand, to trying to soften the hard brown sugar, to mixing all the flour in (and there was way too much), I ended up going through like every item in my kitchen (bowls, utensils, etc) and I’m pretty sure my right hand and arm will be sore tomorrow.  I wouldn’t necessarily say they were worth the effort, as there are much simpler recipes out there, but at least I used up some of the ingredients I was hoping to get rid of.

Overall Rating:  8/10

Recipe: Peanut Butter Cookies

Ingredients: Peanut butter, butter, sugar, brown sugar, milk, egg, vanilla, flour

Taste: Very tasty. I would have liked to add some chocolate chips or something if I had some.

Texture: The texture was a little odd, and they took a long time to bake, but I’ll chalk that up to the fact that I left out baking soda because I didn’t have any. Still soft and chewy though. I used crunchy peanut butter.

Overall Rating: 8/10

Oreo Cookie

Oreos have to be one of the best food inventions ever.

Taste: Perfect blend of chocolate and vanilla (cream).  Double-stuffs are better, but the original is good too.

Texture: There are so many ways to eat an Oreo!  You can eat it whole, or take the 2 halves apart and eat them separately.  You can even scrape off all the cream and eat that first (that’s what I used to do).  And of course there’s milk, but I hate milk so let’s move on.

Colors: Oreos come in some great colors to coordinate with different holidays (Halloween, Valentine’s Day, etc.)  The colors don’t change the taste, unless it is something special like Chocolate Creme or Mint.

Overall Rating: 10/10

Recipe: America’s Healthiest Cookie

Ingredients: all-purpose flour, whole wheat flour, oats, light brown sugar, walnuts, 60% dark cacao, butter, vanilla, baking soda

Texture: A little chunky, these were very hard to keep together in balls when placing on the cookie sheet.  Maybe chopping the walnuts and chocolate more finely would have helped.  They have a bit of a different texture, being that there is only a little flour and more oats, walnuts and chocolate.

Taste: The bittersweet chocolate isn’t as tasty as regular, and these cookies aren’t the sweetest.  But the vanilla and brown sugar help.

Overall rating: 7/10