
Posts Tagged ‘calzone

Recipe: Spinach & Ricotta Calzone

Ingredients: Spinach, onion, garlic, ricotta, mozzarella, parmesan, pizza dough

Taste: This actually tasted a lot better than I thought.  Or maybe I was just really hungry by the time it was done.  We’ll see because I have three more of them to eat.  I used some Ragu as a dipping sauce of course.

Texture: The crust came out a little floury-looking, but it tasted great!  It wasn’t even that dry- I could have skipped the dipping sauce.

What I really have to say about this was that it was difficult to make.  The recipe called for so much spinach that didn’t fit in my frying pan so I didn’t use all of it.  I was trying to rip the spinach leaves apart and get rid of the stems because I was afraid they’d be too big.  I mixed up the recipe and then my pizza dough didn’t want to be rolled out…maybe I didn’t let it warm up enough?  I ended up making 4 calzones instead of 6…didn’t use all of the filling because I just couldn’t get it to fit.  And then the calzones opened up while baking and the cheese and spinach spilled out all over.  Meanwhile I had flour and oil all over the place.  They were a pain to make but I’m glad I did them once…next time it’s to the local pizzeria for me!

Overall Rating: 8/10