
Archive for January 2011

Recipe:  Chewy Jumbo Chocolate Chip Cookies

Ingredients: flour, cake flour, baking powder, baking soda, butter, sugar, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, chocolate chips

Taste: These cookies tasted like the standard chocolate chip recipe.  You can definitely taste the vanilla and brown sugar- so they are a little sweet.  I used dark chocolate morsels (larger than chips) so they were also very dark chocolatey.  There are 1.5 cups of butter in here (3 sticks!) so they are definitely tasty.

Texture: Like the name, they were soft and chewy.  Seems like they will stay that way instead of getting hard.  They are huge, partly because of the size that I made them, but they are also make with cake flour so they’re a little puffier than regular homemade cookies.

All in all, this seemed like a simple recipe, but it took a lot of work.  From creaming the butter by hand, to trying to soften the hard brown sugar, to mixing all the flour in (and there was way too much), I ended up going through like every item in my kitchen (bowls, utensils, etc) and I’m pretty sure my right hand and arm will be sore tomorrow.  I wouldn’t necessarily say they were worth the effort, as there are much simpler recipes out there, but at least I used up some of the ingredients I was hoping to get rid of.

Overall Rating:  8/10

Coconut M&M

I saw these at the store and decided to try them because I’ve never heard of them.  They come in a white bag and the M&M’s are colored brown, green, and white.  It wasn’t until the last 2 M&M’s that I realized that they had a special little imprint on them!

Taste: They actually tasted kind of like Mounds.  They still had chocolate in the middle, and I didn’t see any coconut, I think the flavor was just added.

Texture: About the same size as regular M&M’s but a little fatter, and they seemed a little harder to bite into, only because I tried to bite one in half to see the insides and it was a challenge.

Overall Rating:  6/10