
Mini Football Cupcakes

Posted on: February 7, 2010

Experiment: Mini Football Cupcakes

My sister gave me this idea, from a kids cooking class she helped with last year.

Ingredients: Betty Crocker brownie mix (mix, egg, water, oil), caramel Hershey kisses (pressed into the center), icing

Taste: Tasted great, just like brownies from a box always do.  The caramel Hershey kisses added some moistness and flavor to the middle.

Texture: Well, I didn’t realize I wasn’t supposed to put them in cupcake wrappers.  I guess the brownie mix consistency just doesn’t work well with the paper wrappers.  The bottoms of the cupcakes hardened, and it was really hard to pull the paper off.  I should have just greased the pan and gone wrapper-less.  Most people said they enjoyed the cupcakes but couldn’t get the paper off the bottom.  The Hershey kisses also may have had something to do with this.  Oh well!  These cupcakes were more for show anyway.

Overall Rating: 5/10

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